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Mental Health Training for Schools

We understand the unique challenges faced by school staff when it comes to meeting the needs of children and young people. That is why we offer mental health training specifically designed to equip staff with the knowledge and skills they need to recognise the signs of poor mental health, and effectively support those in their care.

Our courses have received local approval and have been commissioned by leading organisations, like the Department for Education (DfE) and local authorities.

By learning about mental health conditions, early warning signs, and appropriate intervention strategies, staff can better understand and respond to the needs of children and young people. This training not only benefits students but also indirectly supports the mental health and wellbeing of staff themselves.

To help decide which of our training programmes is the most appropriate, they have been developed within a competency framework, which categorises them according to their content and depth of learning. If you are unsure which training would best benefit your setting, a Training Needs Analysis can be carried out. This will ensure the training undertaken is suited to your individual needs and circumstances.

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