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Reflective Supervision Skills: Senior Leaders Programme

Effective supervision and reflective practice are key contributors to mentally healthy organisations. This course gives senior leaders and managers the opportunity to learn from clinical professionals about a range of approaches that support wellbeing, learning and flexible thinking. These skills will help them enhance the conversations they have with staff and lead to improved staff and client wellbeing. It is based on recent research on the development of supervision models. Ongoing support is an integral part of the programme, and so we provide delegates with six-weekly group supervision following the training to explore and reflect on the resources and how to embed learning into practice across their organisation.

The course explores how evidence-based interventions can facilitate reflective practice. It explores different models, key principles that underpin reflective practice as well as the key skills that are needed to facilitate reflective supervision The skills learned will help staff to gain awareness of self and others to improve decision-making, develop informed practice, and promote an organisational culture that fosters and maintains positive mental health.

How will reflective supervision benefit your team?

Working with people to promote mental health can be demanding and complex. Reflective Supervision provides a regular, professional relationship with clear boundaries within which staff can reflect on their thoughts and feelings; drawing on this awareness to better support those they work with. It encourages healthy reflective practice, good decision-making, self-care, increased resilience, share knowledge and promote effective signposting. It can be of benefit to all, and especially those in senior or pastoral roles. Reflective supervision is not clinical supervision, line management or counselling for staff.

This course is suitable for managers and senior leaders who oversee staff. Ongoing support is an integral part of the programme. We provide delegates with group supervision every 6 weeks following the course to explore and reflect on the resources and to help embed learning into practice across their organisation.


  • To develop an understanding of supervision models
  • To apply models to reflective practice
  • To practise reflective supervision skills and techniques
  • To apply own experience of supervision to those you support
  • To evaluate impact for further reflective development

Learning Outcomes

  • Setting up sessions for effective interpersonal reflection
  • An introduction to creative supervision models
  • Application of creative supervision skills that  encourage learning through exploration
  • Enhancing active listening and coaching skills
  • Delegates also receive half-termly reflective group supervision to enhance practice (included in the ongoing annual support programme).


Course cost includes two day training plus all programme benefits for one year:

Primary Schools or small organisations: £660 + VAT

Secondary schools or medium to large organisations: £770 + VAT

Additional places: £420 (includes training and 6 reflective supervision sessions over the year)

Annual programme renewal per person (includes FREE refresher training for all delegates and 6 reflective supervision sessions per year)  – £330 for primary schools and £440 for secondary schools. Additional person renewal cost – £220. VAT will be added to all costs.


Optional additional reflective supervision support:

Virtual: From £61.00 for 1to1 (1hr) or £111 for a group of up to 4 people (1.5hrs)

Face to Face: From £69.00 for 1to1 (1hr) or £137 for a group of up to 4 people (1.5hrs)

Alternatively, we can deliver this two-day course in-house for up to 8 delegates at a cost of £2095 + VAT and expenses plus costs associated with reflective supervision (contact us for more details).

Annual Fee

The annual fee includes all the following:

  • 6 virtual group supervisions for the delegate (contact us if you would like more delegates)
  • Annual refresher training
  • Evidence-based content based on sound research
  • Regular updates – we do all the research and find the most useful resources for you, saving you time and money. We will also source additional materials and content as necessary, based on your feedback
  • Clinical support and advice – our dedicated service means you can contact us if you have any questions about the material. We will offer support and signpost you to additional resources, so help is always on hand.

Partner Reward Scheme

Our Partner Reward Scheme gives you more benefits for accessing our services; including training & licence discounts, free resources and webinars.


How To Book

Course dates are in the TARGETED section of our training calendar.