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YMCA Roomsponsor

When a young person becomes homeless they are often lonely, isolated and vulnerable. Without support they can easily become trapped in a life of poverty, exclusion, or worse. However, you can help them to turn their life around.

Change A Life Today

From just 40p a day (£12 a month), you can become a YMCA Roomsponsor and support a young person in any of our Housing sites across Cambridgeshire and Suffolk. By donating in this way, you will provide someone with:

  • the freedom from danger and hunger and a safe place to call home
  • an end to isolation by being welcomed in the family at YMCA Trinity Group
  • basic life skills, such as budgeting and cooking, to enable them to move towards independence
  • counselling and support in a trusting environment
  • the skills and training to get into education, training and work which will lead to an independent life

To donate or set up a direct debit, click on the button below and you’ll be taken to our dedicated fundraising page on the YMCA website.

£12 a month

provides a young person with a room at one of our accommodation sites

£24 a month

can provide a young person with access to mental health support and counselling sessions

£36 a month

provides a young person with careers advice, as well as practical skills to get into work or education

We offer far more than just a bed for the night, we help young people change their lives and face the future with confidence.