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Time Stop

We know that unexpected circumstances can cause our lives to change suddenly.

In a housing emergency, we need someone, and somewhere, to turn to – for young people in the Peterborough City Council area, this is where Time Stop comes in.

We provide access to immediate accommodation for those between the ages of 16-25 who are at risk of homelessness. Accommodation at Time Stop is designed to be short-term, with residents staying with us for up to 3 months.

There are 22 comfortable, single rooms on site, all fully equipped with furniture and access to shared communal facilities.

To support residents during their time at Time Stop, they will be assigned a Key Worker. Their Key Worker will help them through a short-term support plan, as well as provide practical advice and assistance on important life skills, such as budgeting and seeking employment.

Our aim is for residents to positively move forward with their lives after their time with us at Time Stop.

Time Stop accepts referrals from any agency and self-referrals by telephone, in person or by completing the online application form opposite. All applicants must be willing to engage with the support on offer.

Time Stop accommodation unit
Time Stop Application

You can also scan the QR code to access the application form.

Contact Details

Time Stop

101 Wellington St, Peterborough,