We know that mental health support for children and young people is needed now more than ever.
That is why we have a team dedicated to providing mental health support programmes to schools and educational settings, where wellbeing can be made a priority.
We firmly believe that a comprehensive, whole school commitment, and the creation of a positive wellbeing culture are vital in not only helping children and young people achieve their full potential, but creating an environment where everyone can thrive.
Our programmes address the holistic needs of the entire setting, incorporating a range of approaches and tailored specifically to meet your individual needs and requirements.

Whole School Approach
A whole school approach means that wellbeing becomes everyone’s responsibility, and where this is the case, we have seen significant improvements in attainment, relationships, staff and student attendance, as well as overall standards within a setting.
- Self-assessments
- Policy and strategy development using evidence-based tools
- Comprehensive training opportunities for staff and parents
- Providing clinical support services for children aged 5+ and parents, such as therapy
- Offering flexible ways of working depending on your preferences, with either face-to-face or virtual/telephone sessions
- Providing peer support through PSHE initiatives and awareness programmes
- Supporting staff through wellbeing programmes, such as counselling
With our support, you can identify, measure, and address the social, emotional, and mental health needs of your entire setting. You can find out more about our approach and processes to supporting your school here.
Contact our Mental Health & Wellbeing Team
YMCA Trinity Group are a well-recognised provider within the local area and have been a key partner regarding children’s mental health, as well as been commissioned by Cambridgeshire and Peterborough on a number of occasions to deliver a range of mental-health based provision. In addition to this, they have played a prominent role within various strategic and operational working groups to improve provision and support across the system.
Throughout the commissioning relationship, they have been timely and transparent regarding progress and their efficiency in meeting time-scales to a high-quality standard has been nothing short of excellent – a strong commissioner-provider relationship has been built and is underpinned by professionalism, open dialogue and flexibility.
Children’s Commissioning Manager, Public Health