If you would like further information about our events, please contact us.
Small Talks
YMCA England and Wales have launched a new campaign called Small Talks. In a year that has seen so many conversations paused because we haven’t been able to see people, we want to shout about the important of small conversations. Small Talks can bring a huge difference in people’s lives.
The campaign is designed to encouraging everyone to Take the time, Ask Twice, Learn to Listen, Keep it up.
In support of Mental Health Awareness Week we have also created a FREE PRESENTATION that can be used in your setting to help engage young people in the conversation.

IAMWHOLE is an anti-stigma mental health campaign developed in partnership with the NHS & YMCA, launched in 2016.

Be Real
Be Real is a body confidence campaign, co-ordinated by YMCA, the campaign was founded in partnership with Dove. Aiming to change attitudes to body image and help all of us put health above appearance and be confident in our bodies.

Event Resources
We organise a range of open events for a variety of audiences. Below are just some of the resources available for you to view.
Firm and Fair – Why Boundaries are Important
This webinar took place on Tuesday 24th of October 2023 and forms part of the Suffolk ‘Be Well Feel Well’ programme. The series of webinars are free for anyone residing in Suffolk to access.
The session was recorded and is available to view online
One Community: Challenging Stigma around Mental Health
This webinar took place on Wednesday 30th of August 2023 and forms part of the Suffolk ‘Be Well Feel Well’ programme. The series of webinars are free for anyone residing in Suffolk to access.
The session was recorded and is available to view online
Tips for Rest and Recharge
This webinar took place on Wednesday 28th of June 2023 and forms part of the Suffolk ‘Be Well Feel Well’ programme. The series of webinars are free for anyone residing in Suffolk to access.
The session was recorded and is available to view online
Exploring School Anxiety: What, Why and Ways to Support our Children
This webinar took place on Wednesday 7th June 2023 and aims to provide a basic overview of the subject. It looks at shared factors that underpin school anxiety and explore strategies that may help.
The session was recorded and is available to view online
Eat Well, Feel Well
This webinar took place on Wednesday 26th of April 2023 and forms part of the Suffolk ‘Be Well Feel Well’ programme. The series of webinars are free for anyone residing in Suffolk to access.
The session was recorded and is available to view online
Beyond getting children and young people to do what we want
This webinar took place on Tuesday 28th of February 2023 and forms part of the Suffolk ‘Be Well Feel Well’ programme. The series of webinars are free for anyone residing in Suffolk to access.
The session was recorded and is available to view online
Managing Electronics, Gaming and Social Media
This webinar took place on Wednesday 8th March 2023 and explores the impact of devices and offers tips on how to support your child manage their relationship with them.
The session was recorded and is available to view online
Firm, Fair and Friendly: Why Children Need Boundaries
This webinar took place on Wednesday 14th December 2022 and studies why children and young people need boundaries. It explores the aspects to consider when setting boundaries and tips to help you implement them.
The session was recorded and is available to view online
Help, Where’s the Manual?
This webinar took place on Wednesday 26th October 2022 and provides an overview of the core principles of effective parenting. Providing you with a skill set that is flexible and can be applied to the range of unexpected and random situations that we find ourselves in with our children
The session was recorded and is available to view online
Building Resilience in Our Children
This webinar took place on Wednesday 6th July 2022 and explored the skills required to manage the challenges children face and suggest ways we can teach them practical skills.
The session was recorded and is available to view online
Strategies to keep calm with your child in a busy world
This webinar took place on Wednesday 4th May 2022 and focused on providing practical strategies to keep calm with your child and reflect on yourself as a parent.
The session was recorded and is available to view online.
Parenting Traps and how to avoid them
This webinar took place on Wednesday 30th March 2022 and focused on how to avoid parenting traps, noticing your own habits and breaking cycles.
The session was recorded and is available to view online
Parenting Tips for when you aren’t physically or mentally well
This webinar took place on Wednesday 2nd February 2022 and focused on providing useful tips and strategies parents can use in everyday life.
The session was recorded and is available to view online.
Managing Challenging Behaviour
This webinar took place on Wednesday 1 December 2021 and focused on helping those who need support with parenting or when working with children.
This session was recorded and is available to view online.
Parent and Carer wellbeing: the foundation of child wellbeing
This webinar took place on 8 June 2021 and focused on how parents and carers support themselves and look after their mental health and how their mental wellbeing can impact onto their children. Attendees learnt what ‘wellbeing’ means as well as tips and strategies to use when they’re struggling most.
This session was recorded and is available to view online.
Staff wellbeing: the foundation of child wellbeing
This webinar took place on 25 May 2021 and focused on how staff can improve and maintain their mental health and how this can impact on the children they care and look after during work. Attendees learnt what ‘wellbeing’ means as well as tips and strategies to use when they’re feeling low and struggling.
This session was recorded and is available to view online.
Anxiety in Children: Strategies for Parents and Carers webinar & Strategies for Staff webinar
There were two webinars (16 & 25 March 2021), one aimed at parents and carers & the other for school staff, both focusing on the anxiety that we are seeing in some children especially as they return to school. We focused on what anxiety looks like in school, how to talk about it, and how to support children in managing it.
You can watch the sessions by clicking on the following:
Motivation in Education event
This online event took place on 23 February 2021 and was attended by over 60 professionals from different parts of the country.
The pandemic has brought many challenges for education settings, and has had a significant effect on the ability of staff and pupils to concentrate and stay motivated. The focus of this event was to help individuals develop a greater awareness of Motivation for themselves and the setting they work in.
Bevis Moynan (Author of Mapping Motivation for Coaching) and Senior Trainer of Motivational Mapping spoke about various scenarios where motivation is a prime factor in achieving successful outcomes, examples of some of these are;
- Improve the dynamic between children/parents and teachers
- Improve classroom and online motivation and performance
- Enhance leadership management and coaching skills through knowledge of the differences in what motivates and how you can use that to aid performance, communication and cohesion
- Ensure your own career decisions are in alignment with what is important to you and how that is likely to change
- Understand values based career conflict and why both people get stuck in their careers and struggle with people with opposing career values
- Understand how a knowledge of motivation can massively grow awareness and lead to more informed delivery and unlock challenges with student learning
This session was recorded and is available to view online.