Airplay Wittering
Strong Attendance and New Members
Attendance across all our Airplay Wittering sessions has been strong. Additionally, we’ve welcomed many new members!
Weekly Sessions
Currently, we run five sessions per week: Ben Club, Seniors, Sevens, Juniors, and Project Tuesday Youth Forum. Over the last few months, young people have engaged in Halloween, Remembrance, and Christmas activities. Ultimately, we ended with a festive Christmas party celebration.
Community Contribution
Moreover, our Young Leaders contributed to the local community by assisting with the Parish Council’s Remembrance afternoon tea event. They served and hosted, leaving a positive impression on all attendees.
Junior Youth Club Activities
In the junior youth club, younger members created clay poppies and decorated stones. These will enhance our upcoming mindfulness/quiet space.
Gardening Success
We celebrated a record-breaking tomato harvest this quarter. Our young people enjoyed the growing process. Looking ahead, we plan to revamp our garden over the coming year with big plans.
Half Term Activities
During half term, the Sevens and Seniors groups enjoyed digital youth work with an extended gaming session at the station cinema. Meanwhile, Juniors had a cinema film session with popcorn and slushies. Both sessions were enjoyed by all, judging by the positive comments and happy faces.
New Young Leaders
We are also lucky to have three new Young Leaders: Hannah, Beth, and Sophie. They recently completed the course over half term. Look out for the next course soon.
Project Tuesday Youth Committee
Furthermore, the Project Tuesday Youth committee has been busy fundraising at two Christmas Fayres. They ran two “Name the Christmas Bear/Moose” stalls. The lucky winners were Toby and Molly, pictured with their new furry friends.
Christmas Food Bank Collection
Finally, we had amazing success with this year’s Children’s Christmas Food Bank collection. A fabulous amount of sweet treats were donated. This year, we took our collection to Wittering Primary, Nenegate Primary, SSAFA, and The Trussell Trust food bank in Peterborough. They were very grateful to our young people and their families. This charity support teaches our young people empathy for those less fortunate.
Thanks to all who kindly donated.
Check out more about Airplay Wittering here!
“Airplay has always been such a huge part of my life” | RAF Benevolent Fund
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