Each of our Childcare settings adhere to a robust set of policies and procedures.
These are listed below and to view them just click on each link.
- Accidents and First Aid
- Admissions
- Adverse Weather
- Allergies and Allergic Reactions
- Arrivals and Departures
- Attendance
- Behaviour
- Bereavement
- Cameras, Mobiles Phones and Social Network Sites
- Caring for Babies and Toddlers
- Complaints
- Conflict Resolution with Parents and Aggressive Behaviour
- Critical Incident and Lock Down
- Data Protection and Confidentiality
- Early Learning Opportunities Statement
- Equipment and Resources
- Fees
- Food Play
- Gifted and Talented
- Gun and Superhero Play
- Health and Safety
- Inclusion and Equality
- Infection Control
- Intimate Care
- Late Collection and Non-Collection
- Lone Working
- Lost Child
- Medication
- Money
- Multiple Birth Families
- Nappy Changing
- Non-Smoking
- Nutrition and Meal Times
- Online Safety
- Outdoor Play
- Parent and Carers as Partners
- Prevent Duty

- Promoting Positive Behaviours inc. Biting
- Quality Provision Policy
- Safe and Respectful Care
- School Drop off and Collection
- Separated Family
- Settling in and Home Visits
- Sickness and Illness
- Social Media
- Sleep
- Staff Working with Their Own Children or Close Relation
- Staffing and Employment
- Students and Young Workers
- Suitability of Staff
- Sun Care
- Supervision of Children
- Supervision of Visitors
- Transitions
- Visits and Outings
- Wellbeing in the Setting
- Whistleblowing