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Early Years Curriculum

YMCA Childcare implements the Early Years Curriculum. This framework sets out the learning and development stages for your child as they grow from birth to five years.

We like to follow your child’s interests and record their special moments and achievements in their online Learning Journey which you will access through the Parentzone app.

If you would like to find more out about the current framework, please talk to your child’s key person.

Learning Through Play

YMCA Childcare believes that the best way for our children to learn is through play and exploring their surroundings with support from our highly committed and experienced staff. In our setting we enjoy using both inside and outside to provide fun ways to learn while playing. Children at play is brain building in progress. The activities we provide in the setting will provide your child with the opportunity to learn, develop and aspire to becoming the very best they can be throughout their life. The early years count as strong foundations, where your child’s interests are essential to learning new skills and extending on what they already know.

Behaviour Management

Part of the Early Year Curriculum is a positive attitude towards managing the behaviour of children. The principle guiding the management of behaviour at YMCA Trinity Group exists within the Early Years Curriculum and places the emphasis on supporting personal, social and emotional development.

Learning Journey – Parent Zone

What is ParentZone?

ParentZone is a smart phone and tablet app which brings you closer to your child’s development at nursery. You will be able to see a timeline of your child’s day at nursery, with photos, videos and notes on your child’s daily activities. We want to make sure we work with parents to enhance your child’s development, so as well as being able to see what he or she is getting up to while in our care, you can get involved and contribute your own photos and notes from home to show all of the fun things your child gets up to outside of nursery. Together we can provide the very best experience throughout your child’s early years.

ParentZone goes hand in hand with software called iConnect. Our practitioners use tablets to take learning observations and photos.


The system is very secure. You will be the only one outside of the nursery that can view your child’s profile and you will access it with a unique and secure log in.

Getting Access

You can download ParentZone from the Google Play Store & the Apple App Store. If you don’t have a smart phone, you can log in at We send you out a secure email to invite you to activate your account and set up a unique ParentZone log in once your child has started at the setting. For further information, please speak to your Childcare Manager.