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Meet our Project Tuesday Youth Committee members Joe Purnell, Rory Wilson-Jones and Chloe Thompson. They come together regularly to share ideas and to be the voice for our Airplay members.

Recently Wittering Village held a Summer Fayre and asked Project Tuesday to be involved. Our young people spent the day selling raffle tickets and manning the tombola and the tuck shop. They did a Sterling job! Our Airplay members love to get involved with the local community and are looking forward to the next event.

Over the Summer they were lucky to be able to participate in the Annual Airplay Youth forum in London, where they workshopped on topics that are important to young people from RAF families and presented their findings to the Royal Airforce Benevolent Fund at their headquarters. We stayed in the Union Jack Club in Waterloo where young people budgeted, planned, shopped for, and cooked their own meals, and had fun exploring London in their free time.

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