In November at YMCA Youth Cresset (after popular demand) we had local artist, Amanda Rigby, come back to lead a session with our young people on graphic design. We used this session to create a 3D Youth Club sign out, experimenting with mixed media – cardboard boxes, sewed letters, drawings, and even Lego. At the start of the month we took our first trip to Flip Out Trampoline Park where our young people had the chance to let out some of their energy during the school holidays. To end the month we took our first group of young people to LaserForce – this was many of their first time playing lasertag, including our youth workers. We also have teamed up with the National Literacy Trust to run a series of cooking skills sessions, along with offering free ‘I Can Cook’ books so our young people can continue their learning at home. At our last cooking session we did cooking from around the world, with foods from India, Lithuania, and France.